Pakistan Marine Academy GP3 Course Admission 2016 Form Download 36th Batch
Pakistan Marine Academy GP3 Course Admission 2016 Form Download 36th Batch is about to be recruited just for you in the case you are willing to be a part of this institution. Pakistan marine force is working for the security and the defense of the general public of Pakistan. This is a part of the military force of Pakistan. it covers the marine side and all the threat coming from marine area. There are a lot of threats that could occur in the country from the marine side. This is why there was a need to have a barrier in the way of these threats to prevent the country from all the threats coming from the sea side. This is the reason this is the reason that we are going to tell you about the ne admission of the Pakistan Marine Academy GP3 Course Admission 2016 for 36th batch for the marine force. You can be a part of the merchant navy once you have completed the course. This is the reason that we are providing you the information about the GP3 course in the marine academy of Pakistan to be a part of the marine force for the civilians.
Pakistan Marine Academy GP3 Course Admission 2016 Form Download 36th Batch
Following is the information for the Pakistan Marine Academy GP3 Course Admission 2016and all its details like admission forms and the admission procedure for the 36th batch:
All the terms and conditions are as follows for the Pakistan Marine Academy GP3 Course Admission 2016:
Terms and Conditions:
Advantages of the course:
This is the course that after completion you can be a part of the merchant navy and have a handsome income. You will have the chances to trip the whole world.
Te education should be not less than matriculation.
Eligibility for admission:
The admissions are only for the men of Pakistan. all the boys that are with the nationality of Pakistan are allowed to apply for admission in the academy if they have the age more than 18 years and less than 25 on 30th of June 2016. No candidate will be entertained if he is not fit in the eligibility criteria.
How to apply:
The candidates can apply by getting application forms from the new office entry office of the Pakistan marine academy or it could be downloaded from the official site of the academy and are to be sent with a bank draft of the Rs. 500/- with the metric certificate and an attested copy of CNIC along with it. And send it to the Pakistan marine academy before 20 May 2016.
Fee structure:
The candidate has to pay 36000 for the tuition fee and 36000 for residence and mess for the course.
Notes: The academy will take extra examination of eyes other than the recommended medical test.
Color blind are not allowed to apply.