National Heroes of Pakistan
Every country has its own national heroes which have played the vital role in the existence of the country and its glory. Here I have also prepared a list of National Heroes of Pakistan. Pakistan is also a country which has numerous national heroes who have worked tirelessly for the success, respect and the dignity of the country. The national heroes can be leader, politicians, sports person or even soldiers which have played their role in the success of the country. Pakistan was independent on 14th August 1947 but before that there was not an existence of a separate country for Muslims in the world. There were so many heroes who played their role in the formation of Pakistan. Each hero perform his duty with full of devotions and motivations such as Sir Syed Ahmed Khan make Muslims realize with the Importance of English, Allama Iqbal awaken the mind set of Muslim youth to stand up for their rights similarly there are so many national heroes of Pakistan who done great job in their times. Keep on reading to get details of each Pakistani national hero.
National Heroes of Pakistan
- Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Allama Mohammad Iqbal
- Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
- Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto
- Martyrs of Pakistan (Rashid Minhas/ Aziz Bhatti)
- Abdus Sattar Edhi
Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Mohammad Ali Jinnah is one of those leaders which are the most influential leaders and national heroes of Pakistan. The founder of Pakistan who all on his own fought for the Muslims against the cruel and injustice rule of the Hindus and British people, He was the only one who stood firm for the rights of Muslims and to preserved their identity, Jinnah was the influential personality who all on himself gathered the Muslims for one of the biggest migration ever in the history of mankind.
Allama Mohammad Iqbal
Allama Mohammad Iqbal is another national hero who is the national poet as well. He is the one who took the Muslims of Sub continent out from the gloomy sleep to the awakening run of success of independence. He through his motivational and awakening and poetry inculcated the power of patriotism and love for the country and religion which ultimately played the vital role in the road to independence.
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
Indian Born Abdul Qadeer Khan was immigrated to Islamabad Pakistan in 1952 with his family. He is a Pakistani Nuclear Physicist and Metallurgical engineer. He has done a great job for the safety of Pakistan. He found the nuclear atomic bomb in 1976 at Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL). It was really a great invention by Pakistan after the successful experiment of this bomb. Since this invention the other outer critics who are Pakistan’s haters are now in their limits because they are afraid of Atomic attack by Pakistan. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is really a national hero of Pakistan. we appreciate him for his great invention for our safety.
Martyrs of Pakistan
Soldiers like Major Aziz Bhatti and Rashid Menhas are the one who had laid their lives in the cause of the interest of the country. The soldiers who were having the real spirit of patriotism and love for the country which even didn’t came in the way when they were on the battles against the rivals. When the country was in danger these both Sons of Pakistan came in the way of the brutal aims of the enemies and laid their lives in the cause of the survival of the country.
Abdus Sattar Edhi
great personalities never build by nation but they build the nation. Yes of course! Abdus Sattar Edhi was one of such personality who have given a great message to the nation, leaders and other authorities that your inner zeal can become an existing shape with your handwork and purity with your work. He give us a great example of humanitarian after the formation of Edhi Foundation. Currently the Edhi centers in form of homeless shelters, rehab centers and orphanages are running across Pakistan.
Mohttarma Benazir Bhutto
Mohattarma Benazir Bhutto is one of those political personalities and National Heroes of Pakistan which have got international and national fame all over the world and who have worked for the glory and betterment of the poor of Pakistan. She worked on the principles of her father Zukfiqar Ali Bhutto who himself was an influential and great leader of Pakistan. She studied abroad, learned all the skills and knowledge and then imparted it in the country through her practical implications. Her policies which were having relief fro the people of the country and she strived hard for the success of the country and in her run she gave her life and was martyred when she was addressing to one of the biggest gathering at Liaquat Bagh.
There are so many other national heroes of Pakistan who have played the most vital roles in the formation of Pakistan.
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