Essay On Rainy Season in Pakistan

Right here in this article we will discuss in detail about the importance of Essay On Rainy Season in Pakistan . For the readers it is to be mentioned that word monsoon has been derived from the Arabic language word for the season ‘mawsin’ tht is the root of the word ‘monsoon’. This name has been just derived because of the annual presence. If we define this term in simple words then we would call it s the pressure of the air that is even known as being one of the primary factors for the arrival of the monsoon. So far there are many countries who experience the monsoon during some course of time such as southern Asia especially India including Pakistan, Bangladesh, SriLanka and others. Monsoon can take place just because of the wettish air masses as that mosit air move in from the Indian Ocean to the southern areas.

Essay On Rainy Season in Pakistan

How Monsoon Cycle Take Place?

In the monsoon cycle you will going to find the summer water-soaked on shore and also shower from the south offshore. In the winter season monsoon rain blow to the Indian Ocean and in the summer season Indian Ocean under over the high pressure (HP) area. As the high pressure over the ocean of air masses move from the to the low pressure over the Asian continent it will going to produce moisture-laden air to south Asia.

When Does Pakistan Monsoon Season Start And End?

Summer Monsoon rainy season usually takes place in the South Asia including Pakistan from end of June to the month of October. Most of the parts of the South Asian countries take delivery of up to 80,000-10,000 mm of rain per year.

Wet monsoon season takes place in the summer season mostly in the month of June. It is much common in the countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar (Burma). Monsoon rains gives over 50% percent of Pakistan and 90% of Indian water supply. The rains last for about September. Mainly apart from Pakistan, smallish monsoons also take place in northern Australia, equatorial Africa, and to a slight bound in the southwestern parts United States of America.

So this was the complete review about the Essay On Rainy Season in Pakistan ! Rainy season is one of those seasons in Pakistan that is loved by each single person and simply bring smile on each single face.

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