Top Market Research Companies In Pakistan

Here I have arranged a list of top market research companies in Pakistan. So if you are holding a business or going to start a business and want to get analyze market needs and your business deeds then you are suggested that once must concern with any of these research companies or associations. These associations are working under a proper planed and well-designed criteria by the business management association of Pakistan. These companies have marketing researchers that gather information about what consumer wants, his needs and beliefs. They also have a team to discover the ways how they act and how a product could be marketed. Afterwards the marketing managers are highly competent that are assigned to take a decision about the research specialist in each and every field of business. So if you also want to keep on touch with market updates and consumer’s wants then must concern these companies once. Here below of this passage I have assembled name of market research companies in Pakistan along with their address, motives and working structure along with field of working.

Top Market Research Companies In Pakistan

Top Market Research Companies In Pakistan

What Is Market Research?

Market Search is a systematic way to capturing market position and identification about a field of work relating to its consumption and production.

Role of Market Research Companies in Pakistan

There are actually two types of roles a market research company is performing. First of all when you are doing any business but you are not satisfied with your consumption and profit, or you are not well known with the market updates as what the market is demanding relating to the aspects of the market about a product, sales and buyer’s behaviors, promotions and pricing, distribution and packaging etc. So you can get all these information from a market research company.

Secondly, market research companies works on their own to collect and entrepreneur market data and to capture the competitiveness against competitors. So whenever you are going to start a business you can get all the market related information from Market Research Company.

Top market Research Companies in Pakistan

  • SB&B Marketing Research

It is one of the top research company in Pakistan that is working since late 19s  and its office is located in Lahore Pakistan

Address: 258 A, New Muslim Town Lahore

Phone Number: 04235832662

  • IRIS Communications

“Individual reflections in Sync” it is the motto of IRIAS communication research company. It is a well authentic and satisfactory company that is working since 1997 and now it contains on 60 employees and 130 plus interviewers who are hiring well competent and motivated professionals to maintain the company’s name on the top of the list of market research companies in Pakistan.

Address: 1st Floor, 176-Y, Commercial Area, DHA, LAHORE

Phone Number: 923 572 7346

  • International Field and TAB

It is also the top research market company in Lahore Pakistan that is working since 2008 with procurement and management of business fields in all over the Pakistan. You can concern with this company at the following address.

Address: 858 C, Faisal Town, Lahore

Phone Number: +92-42-35916636

  • Aftab Associates of Market Research

One of the oldest and the most authentic and top market research company in Pakistan is named as AFTAB Associates of Market Researchers. It is working since 1983 and dealing with more than 20 fields of work.


Phone Number: +92-42-35817191-96

  • IPSOS Pakistan

IPSOS says that never compromise with your business cost and consumption over profit rate and ratio. Just make up your mind set about market relating to your business because if you are up to date about market you are on the right way of success

Address: 4th Floor, Tower 10, Commercial Market, E-11/1, ISLAMABAD, Pakistan

Phone Number: +92 51 2210815

  • Gallup Pakistan

Gallup Pakistan is a 1980 based research company in Islamabad with a lot of experience and data with authentic information and analytical views to capture the latest updates in Market about a business needs and deeds and consumer’s behavior.

Address: H.45, ST.52, F-7/4, 1055 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan

Phone Number: +92-51-265.5630

  • International Market Research Force

It is a federal government owned international market research force in Pakistan that is initially based in Islamabad but its officer are located in all over the Pakistan and USA. So you can get information and updates not only in Pakistan but also worldwide about a business rank and consumptions according to consumer and rate of interest.

Address: Plot# 21, Scheme#1, National Park Area Islamabad, ISLAMABAD, Pakistan

Phone Number: 0092518435601

  • Foresight Research (PVT.) LTD.

In Karachi the well removed and well trusted name in market research companies in Pakistan is Foresight researchers. Although they are inaugurated in 2008 but their work and accuracy is the recognition and uniqueness of their work. So you can concern them at…

Address: Foresight House, 6-X, Block 6, PECHS, KARACHI, Sindh, Pakistan

Phone Number: +92 21 34527302

  • The Dynamics

The Dynamics Research Consultants in Karachi Pakistan are among top market research companies in Pakistan and you can trust them with a good capacity of employees and 100, 000 turnover USD along with 200 interviewers.

Address: The Dynamics – Research Consultants, 501, Park Avenue, Shahrah-e-Faisal, KARACHI, Pakistan

Phone Number: +92 21 34311989

  • SMAR International (Private) LTD.

Since 1966 being the oldest market research company in Karachi the SMAR International PVT. LTD. Is a trust worthy organization in Pakistan for Market Research. You can visit them at….

Address: 199/D Block-2, P.E.C.H.S., 75400 KARACHI, Pakistan

Phone Number: +92-21-454.3768

Hence these are the top market research companies in Pakistan with address and phone numbers. for any further query or inquiry please visit out comment box below the passage thank you…!

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