Animals, Birds And Insects Names In Urdu English Tables

Here I have prepared animals, birds, and insects names in Urdu English tables for you to improve your vocabulary. Most of the time it is noticed that one has a good vocabulary but he or she is not known the meaning of Mole (an animal) similarly most of us are not known what is meant by Pony. There are so many animals, birds, and insects which we don’t know what the English of that species is. The main purpose for preparing this article is just to improve your vocabulary about animals, birds, and insects. Below this passage, you will get three different tables in which on one side you will see the name of a species in English, and the other column will give you the translation in Urdu. You can learn according to your mental capacity on daily bases or you can also save these tables on your mobile or computer so that you can learn them from time to time. When you will learn it you can talk in a better way with your child and your baby will speak the names of that species in English which is a good thing to learn. These are also used as the daily use English Words. Keep on reading this post to learn the animals, birds, and insects’ names in Urdu English tables.

Animals, Birds And Insects Names In Urdu English Tables

Animals, Birds And Insects Names In Urdu English Tables

Note: you can click on any table to make it bigger on your full screen so that you can read each word easily. You can also save these tables on your computer by right click on them and then saving them. On mobile phones, you can tap and hold to save this image mobile.

  • Animal Names in Urdu English Table

Animals, Birds And Insects Names In Urdu English Tables

  • Birds Names in Urdu English Table

Animals, Birds And Insects Names In Urdu English Tables

  • Insects Names in Urdu English Table

Animals, Birds And Insects Names In Urdu English Tables

So these are the animal, bird, and insect names in Urdu English tables. I am hoping that this post proves to be very useful for you and you are learning and improving your vocabulary in an easier way. These are also part of your English language course online. You can’t ignore this lesson so just learn it and share your reviews with us in the following comment box below this page.

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