ACCA In Pakistan Career, Scope, Salary, Courses, Subjects

ACCA In Pakistan Career, Scope, Salary, Courses, Subjects as If we talk about popular and most demanding banking programs in Pakistan then we should mention the name of ACCA. In Pakistan, ACCA is getting very popular and demanding. Almost every Pakistani student wants to get the degree of ACCA. But we would like to mention that ACCA is not an easy and simple program for studying. After getting the degree of ACCA, student can easily get a job in different banking fields and companies. ACCA is one of that degree programs that is of great demand these days. For the information of the readers, if a student is interested to do ACCA then he or she first has to do CAT. The duration of CAT program is 2 years and right after the completion of CAT, he or she is eligible for the ACCA program. The duration of ACCA program is 4 years. It is totally and completely up to the student if he is willing to complete this degree in less than 4 years. It is not necessary that you have to go to university and attend classes to complete this degree program. A student can get done with this degree program by sitting at home. Only thing that you will be doing is to attend online lectures. Try to understand the concepts thoroughly and completely and you are all set and ready to have this degree program right in your hands. Experts are also of this notion and belief that though ACCA is quite and rather tough but one you will manage to clear it then success and bright future is right there in front of your eyes.

ACCA In Pakistan Career, Scope, Salary, Courses, Subjects

ACCA Major Subjects and Courses

Now the question is that what are the major subjects are required for studying ACCA. ACCA degree program includes following major subjects:

  • Principles of accounting
  • Managerial accounting
  • Financial accounting
  • Financial management
  • Tax accounting
  • Calculus
  • Mathematics
  • Fundamentals of financial management
  • Auditing
  • Advance financial management.
  • Cost Accounting.
  • Advance business analysis.
  • Advance auditing.
  • Micro Finance.
  • Advance Micro Finance.

ACCA Admission Requirements

If you want to be the part of this ACCA degree program then following are the ACCA Admission requirements:

  • If you want to take admission in ACCA then you must score maximum score in CAT examination
  • You have to pass out all the courses of CAT, only then you will be eligible for this degree program
  • Make sure that you are left out with no pending course of CAT
  • This is a Bachelors level accounting program that is somewhere considred as masters program so you have to done intermediate with accounting like I. Com or A levels with accounting as major subject
  • students can also apply for this program after B. Com or BBA becuase before ACCA you should have to done CAT even after inter or bachelors

ACCA Career Option

It is extremely important for person to know the main and important job types after completing ACCA. If you are done with your ACCA degree program then you will be having following job types and options for your future:

  • Teacher of ACCA
  • Auditor
  • Banker
  • Senior Accountant
  • Chartered accountant
  • Financial consultant
  • Financial counselor
  • Account manager
  • Account executive
  • Finance executive

ACCA Fee Structure In Pakistan

The fee structure for ACCA in Pakistan varies from which institute or university you are going to do your ACCA. First of all you have to meet the institute’s initial registration and semester/ session fee along with tuition fee. The following fee structure is a general fee structure of ACCA in Pakistan while the exact fees will be intimated at the official website of an institute you want to take admission in…

  • Registration Fee (at once) Rs. 3,000/-
  • Semester Fee Per Session: Rs. 15, 00/-
  • Tuition Fees of an institute Costs Rs. 2, 00000/- (payable in three equal installments according to the criteria set by the authority of that institute)
  • Skills Module: there are three skills module papers which total fees costs Rs. 1, 00,000/- (divided in three installments for each paper)
  • Professional Levels: Professional level is based on three papers and a candidate have to submit each professional level exams fee and the total fees for three levels costs overall almost Rs. 1, 20, 000/-
  • Above all a student have to pay UK based charges to get a UK signed degree and that fees costs over all in British pounds £350 which is 45500/- in Pakistani rupees.

So you are informed that the overall expense or fees for ACCA in Pakistan costs Rs. 4 to 5 lakh in which your books, fares, monthly miscellaneous expenses are excluded. You can now make an idea about overall custodies for doing ACCA in Pakistan will costs.

ACCA Scope and Salary

ACCA will surely make you to have successful and bright future ahead. Though it is not that much easy but whoever completes it will be able to reach to the sky limits. You will be on cloud 9 if you are going to clear this ACCA degree program. Amount of salary of ACCA in Pakistan can not be measure to a fixed figure because it depends upon the expertise and experience of an ACCA person. But according to an average package it minimum start from 30, 000 plus and it can touch the figure of 1 k or plus.

If you are thinking seriously to have this as your career line then make yourself registered as soon as possible by first seeing this ACCA In Pakistan Career, Scope, Salary, Courses, Subjects list. Make a plunge into this ACCA world and earn handsome amount of income. There is a dire and extreme need of accountants in our country so one having this degree will automatically be in great demand.

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  1. Dear sir i have completed my master in commerce(M.COM) from GC unviversity FSD .kindly now update me the total procedure of ACCA. fees structiure , and also tell me how many papers have to done me now .

  2. CAT is mandatory before Acca! I have passed HSSC from Peshawar. Now I’m interested to do ACCA , guide me what i have to do next?

  3. Sir..!
    Can I do ACCA after and which college is better for that in Islamabad and how much money should be needed for ACCA program

    1. Dear Sir,

      I have done and now I am working an HR Administrator in a construction Company. After this I have two option in my mind to do. One is I have to do ACCA and another is M.Phil. So, please suggest me in this matter.


      Shakir Ullah

    1. Obviously CA is much higher than ACCA but once you have done CA there will be noone in competition with you . You will be lying in bundles of money . But the main thing is that CA is not an easy task.its very very very much harder than ACCA

  4. Sir , main university ka student hun first year hai mera in mehran uni ,kia main acca kr skta hun bina tution ke,,? Plz reply

  5. AoA,Im Going to do A levels next year and im willing to choose Acca for further studies I just want to ask which subjects should i choose in A levels so that i can get admission in Acca.

      1. but without A levels you have to do foundations in accountancy which takes 1 year ,with A levels you will be exempted 3 papers of acca F1,F2,F3 but I recommend you if you have time you should complete A levels first

  6. Young ones please don’t pursue acca in pakistan. It will take at least 4 years and you will need to be a trainee for 3 years with firms only giving stipend of 8000 rupees per month. You will be stuck like this until you become a member. It is a terrible decision for a pakistani. Unless you have means to live abroad then don’t do acca in pakistan. I am now stuck after devoting 8 years of my life to it and getting only 10k stipend

    1. CAT is important for acca program if you couldn’t pass a CAT papers you wouldn’t be able to apply for acca

  7. I am the student of fsc premedical .please tell me can I do acca after studing pre medical .l am asking it because there is a two year gap in mathematics due to studying pre medical.
    Please reply me.

  8. Sir
    I am a student of I want to know that if do ACCA after My Graduation Then There will be Exemption of Paper or Not……..
    And can I also enroll myself Without Going To Any Institution Means I can
    Do it Without Going to College… Please Guide me and tell me which one Is
    Best For me
    Thanks for anticipation

    1. you have to pass 14 paper of ACCA after graduation .yes ap ker sakta ho without ksi college ma gay u can get help by searching online material

  9. I done my BA from punjab university. I’m a teacher by profession but now I want to do ACCA… I need a complete detail … please would u like to help me out ??
    Thank you
    Hope u will reply as soon as possible….
    Have a good day ahead !!!!

  10. I did MBA in Finance which include thirty courses, to join acca what would be the courses have to be completed/or how many course exempted by Acca.

  11. AOA frnds, I have done ACCA , i am still struggling because i can not find job any where.
    i am always degraded where ever i go..
    i have to self motivate myself to make a come back to be ready to be again face such trouble

  12. sSir ,i am doing 2).in (part 1) i got 400 marks…..and my mind is set to do ACCA..What I do..can i do easily Becouse my base in Acconuting is very please guide me About ACCA.

  13. sir.. i’ve done pre medical fsc.. i don’t get admission.. now em thinking of ACCA.. so for that what should i do??

  14. Hlo sir,
    I am a student of I want to know that if do ACCA after my graduation then there will be exemption of paper or not.
    And can I also enroll myslf without going to any institution means I can
    Do it without going to clg… Plz guide me and tell me which one is
    Best 4 me.



      1. Dear how I can get LSB lectures and PDF notes.
        N how I make registration directly. Becuase I m doing job dont n hve no time to join collge.
        Plz snd complete procedure

  15. Hi,
    I am a grade 10th and i want to ask that i am not doing O/A Levels but i am doing Matric, So, what should i do to for studying ACCA. and can you tell me what is CAT. and please give me a well defined process about what i have to do?

    1. After passing matriculation,you have to do FD(foundation diploma) instead of CAT and FIA because CAT is replaced by FD. It takes 1 year to complete and then you can do ACCA.

      1. From where to do Foundation Course. I am asking this for my daughter who is in second year. Please give me complete help or a phone number which can be contacted for this purpose. Which college is teaching ACCA.

    2. @Haseebullah. You can start acca now but you’ll have to do with it. Or the 2nd option is, you can do CAT instead of Intermediate, once you complete CAT you’ll be able to do ACCA and CAT will also exempt your 3 paper of ACCA.

    3. Very less people knows ths that acca requires three subject if o lvl and 2 of A lvl 2 nd after simple matric 3rd is u just have to give four extra papers of foundation deploma before acca if u r not a lvls it takes total 4 years total

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