University Of Veterinary And Animal Sciences UVAS Lahore

University Of Veterinary And Animal Sciences UVAS Lahore Fee Structure, Contact as this university has been one of the most famous and undoubtedly the oldest universities in Pakistan. This was the very first university that was established within the Asia. This university was established in 1882. The main reason for such enormous success heights has been linked with the passion and enthusiastic keen of the staff members that is often leading this university at the top of the sky limits. This university has been even marked as one of the top famous animal teaching training centers in Asia. As regard the programs and courses have been concerned then they offer wide range of programs that are serving the students at the end of the day with the superior and top excellent superior education system. In 1883 this center was build with the name of Veterinary School but later it was replaced with the honor of being the Punjab Veterinary College during the 19th century. The recent building of this university was over and done in 1921. In 1942, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences gets linked with the Punjab University and even get affiliated with it as well. In 1971, this university was inaugurated along with the opening of University of Agriculture in Faisalabad and was even granted with the DMV degree too. In June 2002, this college was tuned with the status of university by the Government just for its finest educational system, human resource and research workings. Currently, there are five faculties, 21 departments and university own management has been established for controlling the university matters with discipline manner. They are even offering graduate, post graduate, short courses and long term master courses within the categories of animal production and health, in computer science, statistics, livestock extension, economics & business management, wildlife and fisheries, etc. Until now almost 4500 veterinary graduates have been awarded with the degrees that are serving the nation in the field of Pak Army, Ministers, Vice Chancellors, Federal and Provincial Secretaries. Many of the graduates have entered into Civil Services, Livestock Departments, teaching and the research institutions of the country and UN Agencies of FAO, UNDP, WHO), Atomic Energy and so many others.

University Of Veterinary And Animal Sciences UVAS Lahore

University Of Veterinary And Animal Sciences UVAS Lahore Fee Structure, Contact


The main aim of the university has been all connected with the universal education system and studies that is often allowing the students to get much capable for competing the international standards. They offer their students with the world class superior education system along with perfect educational environment as well.

University Of Veterinary And Animal Sciences Courses

Doctor of Pharmacy

BSc Physiotherapy in Pakistan

BSc Nursing

BSC Botany

UVAS Lahore Admission Instructions

For taking admission in university of veterinary and animal sciences UVAS Lahore you have to obtain minimum 60% marks  in FSc (pre medical)/ A-levels or equivalnce. UVAS offer admissions for inviting admision forms in advertisement twice a year that is UVAS fall admisions and UVAS spring admissions. So if you see that you are eligible for any admission you have to download its admission form from its official website. After obtaining the admission form you have to fill in the form dully and attach your academic documents which should be attested. after that you have to submit this admission form to the admission office before till the last date which will also be mentioned in the advertisement. On in the admission tab above you can view the current open admissions in UVAS Lahore.

UVAS Fee Structure

Contact Info

Contact Address: University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences  UVAS Syed Abdul Qadir Jillani (Out Fall) Road, Lahore Pakistan
Phone: 92-42-9211374, 9211449
Category: Public

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