Punjab University Law College Lahore

Here we are providing Punjab University Law College Lahore fee structure, contact number, courses and all the admission details about PULC are written here. Punjab University Law College PULC is working as a constituent college of Punjab University. PULC college was established in 1868 in Lahore near Canal Bank. This college opens admission for various undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses including LLB, LLM Taxation law, labor law, and others. University Law College is offering these courses in reasonable fee structure which is affordable for students of any background. Before you apply for the admission in PU law College, please make sure admission criteria, admission procedure, and last date to apply for the admission through this page. Admission will be provided on merit basis and this university arranges pre-admission entry test for admissions. This law college is also recognized by the Higher education commission too. In this article, you will learn about the Punjab University Law College Contact address.

Punjab University Law College Lahore

From this passage to onwards you are taking the details of fees structure, contact number, address, admission courses and all the details in stepwise information that will lead you for better guidance about this institute.

Punjab University Law College Lahore Fee Structure, Contact Number, Courses

Punjab University Law College Courses:

It is offering following undergraduate, masters and postgraduate programs.

Diploma Program:

  • Taxation Laws
  • Labour Laws
  • Environment Laws
  • Intellectual Property Laws
  • Banking Laws
  • International Trade Laws
  • Corporate Law and Practice

Punjab University Law College Admission:

This college opens one-time admission for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate program through newspaper advertisement. Those students who have at least 60% marks in intermediate or BA are allowed to take admission in these courses. There will be a pre-admission test which is mandatory to pass for the students. Seats are limited and admissions will be on strict merit bases.

Prospectuses are available at the campus of this college, however, students are also allowed to do online registration from the official page. Only those applications will be entertain which will receive before the last date along with all required documents which are mention on the prospectus. Final admission will be grant after the commencement of the test according to the Punjab University Law college Admission Policy.

Punjab University Law College LahoreĀ Admissions:

For accessing the admission page you have to click on the following link for admission intake.

Punjab University Law College Lahore Fee Structure:

Punjab university law college fee structure is available online. PULC changes the fees structure every year so you can take the latest updates by the following contact address or you can also call at admission office. Students are allowed to check their fee structure from the current prospectus.

PULC Fee Structure

Punjab University Law College Contact Number:

In the following table you are taking out the address, contact number and all the information that is necessary for you to get regarding contact information of PULC Lahore.

Contact Number: Punjab University Canal Bank Rd, Lahore
Phone: (042) 99231275
Categories: Public

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