Mayo Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 Application Form, Eligibility
Pakistan is progressing and developing itself day by day. One of the under developed sector of it is medical sector. There are a very few number of hospitals in Pakistan and there are less doctors with respect to the requirement. This is the reason that different hospitals are hiring new doctors to fill this lack. For this purpose mayo hospital is hiring new staff and is announcing new intake of doctors on different posts. Mayo Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 are announced and all the details of the jobs including Application Form and Eligibility for the job are available for you to help you to apply for the jobs you like. All the jobs are carrying equal BPS and equal status. There are different jobs that are available for the doctors according to their expertise. You can apply for any of the jobs in accordance with your eligibility, expertise and interest. Mayo Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 are giving you the opportunity to apply in a government sector and have advantage to work under Government management and Govt. supervision. This is the reason that jobs for doctors are announced in Mayo Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016.
Mayo Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 Application Form, Eligibility
Following are all the details and information about Mayo Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 including its Application Form, Eligibility and last date to apply and the procedure to apply for the job. This is a chance for the doctors that wish to join a Govt. organization and that work with Govt. officials and the Govt. management. So, candidates grab this opportunity and make your dreams comes true by working in a Govt. institution.
Eligibility Criteria:
The candidates will be held eligible if their Qualification is:
MBBS or Equivalent medical qualification recognized by PMDC (herein after mentioned as council) with following postgraduate qualification order of performance. MS/FCPS/FRCS/MRCP/MD/MDS respectively in relevant subject or equivalent qualification recognized by council
Last date to apply is 21-05-2016.
Terms and Conditions:
- All the applicants are invited for vacant posts in the Mayo Hospital Lahore, according to their qualification.
- All the candidates that fulfill all the required qualifications according to the post can apply for the post with all their testimonials along with attested copies of all the testimonials.
- All the application must be reached before the last date of application.
- Recruitment will be purely on merit bases and only the recognized qualified applicants will be eligible to apply for the job.
- Call for interview will be sent to the applicants that will be held eligible for by the management.
- Availability of the posts mentioned may be increased or decreased by the management.
- All the other details are available in the above advertisement.