PPSC Assistant Food Safety Officer Jobs 2016 Apply Online Test Syllabus
All those candidates that are searching for the latest jobs under PPSC, here is the opportunity for you because the jobs you were searching for are here. PPSC Assistant Food Safety Officer Jobs 2016 are just announced by the Punjab public service commission and all the details that you need are available here with Apply Online date, Test and Syllabus of the job test conducted by the PPSC for the department of Punjab food authorities. The jobs are announced for the assistant food officer for whom the applications are required by the departments. The officials selected the Punjab public service commission for conducting the eligibility test and to select the eligible candidates for the job. This is the reason that we are giving you intimation that if you are interested in doing this job and you are eligible for the job as well then you should apply for the job. All the details that you need to apply for the job are available here for your help. These details include application procedure, eligibility criteria and the last date to apply with schedule for the interested candidates. All you have to do is to follow the instructions and you will be able to be apply and appear in the test arranged by Punjab public service commission.
PPSC Assistant Food Safety Officer Jobs 2016 Apply Online Test Syllabus
Following are all the details that you must know while applying for the job assistant food safety officer under the Punjab food authorities. This is the article about the details of the job that you need to follow to be a part of the Punjab food department.
Last date to apply is 03-06-2016.
How to Apply:
Application forms are available on the official website of the PPSC as www.ppsc.gop.pk.
All the applicants have to apply online for PPSC Assistant Food Safety Officer Jobs 2016.
You can also apply online for the job of assistant food safety officer by clicking on the link given below.
Click Here To Apply
Eligibility Criteria:
B.Sc. (Hons.) food technology form any recognized institute or university.
21 years to 35 years and 5 years general relaxation for the male and 8 years general relaxation for female candidates.
General Instructions:
- Candidates can apply from any district of Punjab.
- All the candidates have to fulfill the requirements of the job.
- Applications must submit online before the last date of submission.
- Late or incomplete applications will not be entertained.
- No hard copy of the online application form is needed for the test and interview.
- No TA/DA will be given to the candidates that will come for the test and interview.