Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Jobs 2016 In PCTB Application Form, Last Date
Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Jobs 2016 are laying vacant now. PCTB is inviting application forms for hiring new staff on contract base in different posts of director of administrators. Contract will be made under the prevailing contract policy government of Punjab. Vacant posts are thirteen and in each post there is a single vacancy for each for only those candidates who meet the eligibility criteria written in the advertisement published by the administrators of the PCTB. Furthermore there are various limitations and restriction for this job and if you are interested to join PCTB as its legal employee then you have to read this entire post carefully and response against all the information and guidance within due date and time so that you can be treated with the appointment procedure. Well according to the enlisting rules and regulations you are informed that any candidate who wants to apply in more than one post he has to submit a separate application form along with all other necessary documents. After wards only short listed candidates will be hired after the enlisting and purifying procedure for this career opportunity. So here in this post we have put on click the application form, advertisement, how to apply procedure and last date for this job; keep reading the lines below with headings.
Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Jobs 2016 In PCTB Application Form, Last Date
PCTB Jobs 2016 Posts Name
- Director (curriculum)
- Director (Manuscripts)
- Director (Production)
- Director (Administration)
- Deputy Director Curriculum
- Deputy Director Manuscript
- Deputy Director (Production)
- Deputy Director (Procurement)
- Deputy Director (Establishment/ Estate)
- Deputy Director (Field/ registration)
- Deputy Director (Finance)
- Deputy Director (Paper)
- Deputy Director (Information Technology)
- Deputy Director (Graphic Designing)
- Deputy Director( Legal)
How to Apply Procedure
All interested candidate are to be informed that in order to apply you have to make sure that you are eligible for the post you are going to be apply or not. Complete eligibility is written in the advertisement below. Well if you see that you are eligible for the post you are going to be apply then you have to perform the following posts carefully.
- Download application form from officials website of the PTCB
- After this fill in the form complete ad attach the following documents with your form
- CV
- Attested photocopies of all academic certificates
- Experience Certificates
- Computerized Identity Card CNIC
- 2 latest photos pass port size
After this make sure that your application form is duly filled and completed and all the testimonials are also attached in a package form then submit your form at the PCTB office before till the last date of submission of application form.
Eligibility Criteria/ Advertisement
Complete eligibility criteria are written in the following official’s advertisement of the PCTB and it is to be recommended you that you must read out the advertisement carefully and attentively. You can click on the advertisement below in order to make it large to read it clearly.
Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board is a broad department that offer jobs from lower level to higher level and its monthly salary packages are also good enough for its employee. Similarly this time also it is inviting application forms for reasonable posts and paying also a handsome salary amount against each post you can see in the Punjab Curriculum And Textbook Board Jobs 2016/ PCTB Jobs 2016…