Frontier Medical College FMC Merit List 2025-2024

You are here on the right page to check online Frontier Medical College FMC Merit List 2025-2024 1st, 2nd, 3rd. All the candidates who have passed the MDCAT 2025 with more than 60% marks and then applied for Frontier Medical College admission, then you can check the merit list that is prepared for the FMC admissions. According to the PMDC admission criteria, only those candidates will be entertained by the admission who will have their names on the merit list. So, for getting admission, you need to have good merit to secure your seat. According to the merit list preparation criteria, you are informed that those candidates who have a good merit aggregate will secure a seat in the 1st merit list while others will lie in the 2nd merit list and then in the 3rd merit list respectively. Now scroll down to check the merit list details.

Frontier Medical College FMC Merit List 2025-2024

For the merit list, the first step is to calculate your aggregate which can be calculated using the aggregate formula. Your aggregate will be according to the formula that concludes Intermediate 30%, MDCAT 50%, and Interviews 20%. The college will conduct interviews, and it holds 20% merit. For now, you have to keep an eye on the merit list that is just announced. Click the below-given button and check the merit list.

Check Merit List

Frontier Medical College FMC Merit List 2025-21

The merit list decides whether either you are going to take admission or not because Frontier Medical College FMC only grants admissions to those candidates who meet the required merit and their marks in previous classes FSc- Premedical, “A” levels or equivalent are minimum 65%. But still, the importance of a merit list is superior and you must be admission to FMC.

So stay connected with this page to check online Frontier Medical College FMC Merit List 2025-2024 1st, 2nd, 3rd Entry Test Result. If you see that your name exists on the merit list you will be a call for an interview and at the time of the interview, you have to bring your original documents along with you and show them to the officials and then submit your fee and join the regular classes on the commencement date. But this is all possible only if your name is existing in the merit list of FMC. Stay tuned with us for the merit list that will be displayed soon.

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