Kabir Medical College Merit List 2025-2024
Here you can check online Kabir Medical College Merit List 2025-2024 MBBS, BDS. The admission test for admissions was taken by PMC this time and all those students who passed it with more than 60% marks applied for the admission. This college is the medical department of Gandhara University. So, if you have a good merit aggregate, then the merit list is very important for you. It is because if you have your name on the merit list, then you will be able to get admission. But if you don’t have your name on the list, then it will be a difficult task for you to get admission. Now move down to check the complete admission details.
Kabir Medical College Merit List 2025-2024 MBBS, BDS
Well before announcing the merit list, you are hereby informed that the merit list is of great importance for taking admission to Kabir Medical College Gandhara University. According to the PMDC medical colleges and universities admissions rules and regulations it is being informed that every student that has to obtain a minimum of 65% marks in intermediate or equivalent class and he or she is also qualified in the medical entry test will be entertained by the admission. Now, the merit list is announced. So, click the given button below and check the merit list.
Now you are looking forward to your merit list so that if you see your name existing in the merit list you appear in the interview and can proceed with the admission. So as soon as the KMU announces the merit list for Kabir Medical College will be uploaded here and you will be able to check it on this page.
If you see that your name exists on the merit list then you have to report to the admission office with your original documents show them to the admission office make your verification and submit your admission fee on the prescribed date. So this is all about Kabir Medical College Merit List 2025-2024 MBBS, BDS Admissions. Hopefully, you got all the details about this intake. Stay tuned with us to check the merit list.