NAB Islamabad NTS Test Result 2015 Answer Keys 14th, 15th March
National Testing Services NTS is going to announce the NAB Islamabad test result 2015 and answer keys against test held on14th, 15th March 2015 here before others. If you have attempt this test and now looking forwards towards answer keys and result then you are here on the right page to get NAB NTS Test Result 2015 answer keys. NAB offers recruitment for the posts of Addi Director, Dy Director and Assistant Director and restricts some eligibilities and one who meet these basic eligibilities have to attempt an entry test. Well candidates before declaring your result I would like to express some importance of this test for approaching job in NAB Islamabad. This test is based on 100% MCQs type question about English 20%, AR 20%, Quantitative 10%, GK 10%, IQ 10% and Job related Skills 30% questions. It is necessary for each and every candidate to secure minimum 50% marks in this test. If it is a rule that only those individuals will be hired on this posts who touch the required merit for this job. Merit will be prepared by the calculation of the marks a candidate obtains in academic marks and the marks he or she obtains in NTS NAB Test 2015.
NAB Islamabad NTS Test Result 2015 Answer Keys 14th, 15th March
NAB Islamabad NTS Test Result 2015 Answer Keys 14th, 15th March
Answer keys will provide you the overall answers of all the questions that will be uploaded here on the evening of the 16th March or next day of test i.e. 17th March, 2015. As soon as the NTS announce the answer keys the result will be announced within 7 to 10 days after the announcement of the answer keys. As soon as the officials announce the NAB answer keys or result, you will be able to get it by clicking on the following links.
NAB NTS Test Answer Keys 2015 Click Here
NAB NTS Test Result 2015 Click Here
You also can get your result and answer keys from the official’s site of NTS. So this is all about “NAB Islamabad NTS Test Result 2015 Answer Keys 14th, 15th March”. I think that now you are all clear about your NTS NAB Test Result and Answer Keys. Stay in touch with this page as soon as the officials announce the NTS NAB Test will be available behind the links given above.