NAB Multan NTS Test Date 2015, Roll No Slips Download Stenotypist
Have you submitted your application forms to NTS office for NAB Multan jobs 2015 for the post of Stenotypist latest by Monday, 6th July 2015? Here we are informing you about National Accountability Bureau NAB Multan NTS test date 2015 and roll no slips which you can download online from here. If you are among those candidates who have submitted their application forms and now looking for download online NTS Roll No Slips for NAB Multan Jobs 2015; you are here on the right and accurate plat form you have this while sitting at your home by just entering your Name and CNIC number in the given bar if you existing in short listed candidates. Well candidates before you download your roll number slips I would like to convey some important instructions about NTS NAB test 2015 roll number slips. This roll number slip has a great importance for appearing in NTS test center. Mostly among you may familiar with this importance but those who don’t, are hereby informed that when you are going to attend the NTS test you must bring your roll number slips with you and on the time of entering in NTS test center hang it in front of you and show it when demanded in test center. Any candidate who does not bring roll number slip will not be allowed to sit in NAB NTS Test 2015.
NAB Multan NTS Test Date 2015, Roll No Slips Download Stenotypist
NTS NAB Multan Test 2015 Pattern and Submits
Candidates you test has divided into two parts one is written test that contain 30% MCQs type questions according to following table.
Subjects | Marks |
English | 10 Marks |
Pak Studies | 5 Marks |
General Knowledge | 5 Marks |
Islamiat | 5 Marks |
Computer | 5 Marks |
Technical Skills Contains 70% marks as according to the following
- Short Hand : 50 Marks (80 words per minute)
- Typing : 20 Marks (40 words Per Minute)
30% (MCQs) + 70% (Technical Skills) = 100% Total Marks
So total marks are 100 and those candidates will be proceeded only those who obtain minimum 50% and higher marks then other candidates.
NAB Multan NTS Test Date 2015: Sunday 9th August, 2015
NAB Multan NTS Test Result 2015
NAB Multan NTS Test Roll No Slips Download
Generally NTS upload NTS roll number slips on its official website 7 to 10 days before the test date. So it can be expected that your roll number slips will be uploaded on 1st August or in the end of month July. If you want to stay up-to-date just stay in touch with this page because as soon as NTS upload its roll number slips for NAB Multan Job Stenotypist NTS Test 2015, will be uploaded here with the very next second after the official web site and you will be able to download online by entering your Name and CNIC number in the given bar. All about “NAB Multan NTS Test Date 2015, Roll No Slips Download Stenotypist” is here, for further inquiry you can leave your comment in the following comment box, we will be replying you as soon as possible.