Punjab Police Junior Clerk NTS Test Sample Papers Download
NTS test sample papers for Punjab police junior clerk jobs 2015 are available here and you download online from this page easily. Punjab Police Department offers jobs for hiring eligible junior clerks and assigns National Testing Services (NTS) to take an assessment test from all eligible and short listed candidates. As per the rule jobs will be allotted only to those candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and also pass NTS test. So if you have meet the eligibility criteria and now searching NTS sample paper for Punjab Police Junior Clerk test 2015. You are here on the right page to download Junior Clerk NTS sample paper 2015. Officials has assign NTS to take an assessment test from all the new and existing candidates to make recruitment process clear. Well candidates you are also hereby informed that this test is mandatory for all job willing and existing candidates as if any existing candidate who fails in this test will be rejected from his position. So if you want to keep alive your job scroll down this page and download Punjab police junior clerk NTS test sample papers.
Punjab Police Junior Clerk NTS Test Sample Papers Download
Punjab Police Department Pakistan was formed in 1861as a police department to enforce and to regulate the law and rules to the general public. Punjab police offers a bright professional career for career. It hires responsible and dutiful persons for its different positions. This time Punjab Police is going to hire suitable and eligible candidates for junior clerk post and assign NTS to take and entry test from all new and existing candidates.
Punjab Police Junior Clerk NTS Test Sample Papers Download
NTS has divide junior clerk NTS test in two phases that is phase 1 for typing test and phase 2 for written test. According to restrictions it is necessary to type 25 words in a minute and written test will be based on MCQs type test about General Knowledge, English, Analytical Reasoning / IQ and Computer Knowledge questions. Each subject carry 10% marks and total marks of this test are 100 and candidates have to secure minimum 50% marks in this test to pass.