CSS Examination Paper Pattern In Pakistan
The paper pattern of CSS is based on two types of subjects. The total marks are 1200 amongst in which 600 marks are allocated to the compulsory subjects while the remaining 600 is allocated to the optional subjects. The subjects carry both 100 and 200 marks each so in that perspective the subjects having 200 marks will consist of two papers that will be 100 marks each. Each paper will be of 3 hour duration with extension in time. The paper will consist of both objective type questions as well as subjective type questions and the candidate are prescribed to attempt all the papers in English except the paper of various regional and foreign languages. Paper can also be attempted in English as well as Urdu as per the requirement of the subject.
Medical test:
The candidates are to clear all the subjects in which they have appeared. The successful candidates and the passed applicant will be forwarded for the other test. Immediately after the written the test the pass candidates are subjected to the medial test. A medial board is being formed for this respective purpose which takes the physical test to identify any physical defect, which might hinder his job and work after being selected in the Civil service.
Psychological Test:
After the medial examination it comes the Psychological test, in such test the candidates are being formed in teams groups and their abilities, mental strength, skills, attitude and personality is being analyzed by the examiners and their reflexes and reactions on various situations is also being monitored. Through this the examiners points out the Pros and Cons of the candidates as their positive and negative personality traits are being identified and recorded. Although the psychological test doesn’t carry any significant marks but still it has great impact on the Viva Voce which is the next stage for the successful candidates.
Viva Voce 300 Marks:
The selected candidates are than subjected towards a panel interview in which they are exposed to a group of examiners which make an inquiry with the candidate regarding their past academic records, their personal habits and area of interest as well as their future aims and objectives. Various personal and general questions are the part of this interview. The viva voce carries a total marks of 300 which are based on the general interview conducted.
How to make prepare myself for css exame plz anyone explain the procedure that i have prepare myself for css exame…plz help me
I am an officer in counter terrorism department and I want to become a csp officer, I have completed masters in commerce, age 26 , can I do this??? Give me suggestions about this
mai abi metric ke exam se parigh howaa ho mai css officer bna chahtah ho mai ab agi kis fied mai jao.
go into f.s.c or ecnomics background i.com
Yar main be Matric main ho
And I become a CSS officer
So Can you tell me What I do after Matric Class plz batio
plzzzzz! tell me how much time required to prepare the css exam. and in which field we can apply. plz tell me about css book by which we can prepare. and total marks and tell me intrewieu marks. and tell me English essay book .plzzzzz tell me how much time required to solve the paper in examination hall.
I m hamza farooq and study in agriculture university Faisalabad and want to become csp officer so I can able to complete all wishes of my family and I serve peoples and do my job well pray for me…
I like it, nd also want to become a css officer so that I may serve my life for the betterment of pakistan, plz give me a chance :-(
plzzzz explain me which class i start css i,m in 8