Lady Cadet Course Test Pattern 2024

If you have registered yourself or going to apply for the LCC 2024, then here is the Lady Cadet Course Test Pattern 2024 for the female captain rank recruitment by Pak Army. Pakistan Army official’s LCC registration begins in December every year. Female with sixteen years of education are invited to apply within a proper channel. Those females, who meet the basic eligibility criteria have to attempt and pass a physical entry test which is necessary for all the aspirants to become suitable for that post. There are different inductions on which one could be hired and appointed by the officials. This hiring and appointment depend upon the course of study a candidate has been done during the studies period. Pakistan Army is a land-based armed force of Pakistan which is providing equal career opportunities for females and males. Those females who have done masters studies and then make their mindset to join the Pakistan Army, they can join the army as female captain through Lady Cadet Course. This induction is done after an entry test which is taken out as per the following instructions and details are written down for you.

Lady Cadet Course Test Pattern 2024

Those females who want to apply in Pak Army after master (16 years of education), can apply through the Lady Cadet Course (LCC). Through this, Pak Army recruits the unmarried female citizens of Pakistan and gives them training for six months at Pakistan Military Academy (PMA). After successful completion of training, a female will screen out with a final test. Those who pass out that test is finally appointed as female captain in Pakistan army through Lady Cadet Course (LCC). Read on below to get details about Lady Cadet Course test pattern 2024 sample paper.

Lady Cadet Course Test Pattern 2024

Lady Cadet Course Test Pattern 2024:

First of all, you have to be aware that at the time of hiring and preliminary selection there is no specified written test is taken out. Firstly you have to meet the following eligibility criteria.

  1. Post-graduation (16 years degree as a regular student) with Minimum CGPA 2.5 out of 4 or 65 percent marks in annual system.
  2. M.Phil. / MS will be given preference.
  3. No 3rd Division or Grade D and only one 2nd Division / Grade C throughout the academic career.
  4. Candidates only graduated from HEC/PEC recognized universities.
  5. Candidates acquired qualification as a private candidate are not eligible.
Age 28 years
Gender Female
Marital Status Unmarried
Nationality Citizens of Pakistan (dual nationality holders will surrender the nationality other than Pakistani)
Physical Standards
  • Height: Min. 5’ (152.4cm)
  • Weight: As per standard body mass index
  • Vision: As per standard PAO 11/82

Important: There is just a simple interview test is taken out by the officials where general intelligence questions are asked which you can prepare from Dodger’s book of intelligence test preparation for Army selection. After that, a necessary physical test will be taken out by the officials which will be as per the following details.

Lady Cadet Course Physical Test:

As I have written above that only a physical test is taken out as per the following criteria.

  • Females have to run 1.4 KM in 14 minutes

Lady Cadet Course Test Sample Paper 2024

In the written entrance test, 3 type of questions are asked:

  • Verbal
  • Non-Verbal
  • Academic including subjects like Physics, Biology, Chemistry and others.

After the initial tests, the short listed candidates are then called for the ISSB. It is a 5 day test that is about:

  1. Reporting Day: Candidates report at the ISSB Centers.
  2. Screening test: MAT Questions to solve.
  3. Indoor Tasks: Different Indoor tasks like discussion with other candidates, planning etc.
  4. Outdoor Tasks: Tasks like command task and group tasks.
  5. Last Day: Reinterview of some candidates.

This is the most important test in the whole process. After this, medical checkup of short listed candidates at CMH is taken recommended by ISSB. An interview is also conducted at GHQ.

Hence, you are also informed that those who pass out the physical test and have selected for it will be signing a bond letter for service in Pakistan Army as a lady captain through Lady Cadet Course for the next seven years. So these are complete details about Lady Cadet Course test pattern 2024 sample paper. I hope you have selected and have gained complete information but in case of any further assistance or information, you have about this test you must share with us in the following comments section.

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  1. I am doing BS hon in pyschology which is 4 year degree program and is equal to MSC. I am 22 years old and in 2024 I will complete my 16year graduation….. if I apply for LCC next year am I eligible for this.?

  2. i am near to complete my software engineering as my test date of LCC 2024 is 18 june and my degree will complete till 8th july. Do they allow me to sit in examination/test ?

      1. I have applied for LCC-17 having my degree in bs (hon’s) food science and nutrition plz let me know from where i prepare for this test?plz

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