GAT Subject NTS Test Result 2015 17th May
This Graduate Assessment test 2015 will be taking place on the 17th May 2015 so GAT Subject NTS Test Result 2015 17th May will be uploaded here on this page. It is to be mentioned for all the students and candidates that if they have been appearing for this Graduate Assessment test 2015 then they can get in hand their roll number slips from the NTS site. So far, NTS has made this confirmation that they have dispatched almost all the roll numbers to the candidates, if by chance, any candidate has failed to get the roll number slip then he or she can take the print out of it from the NTS site. It is to be noted by all the candidates that if they will go to the test centre without this roll number slip then they will not be allowed to sit for this GAT Subject NTS Test Result 2015 17th May. They have to get the roll number slip print out and also their CNIC while going to the test centre so that they may be allowed to sit for the test. If any news or update will be given to us by the NTS site related to this Graduate Assessment test 2015 then we will keep you posted and updated so stay tuned with us all the time and gte instant updates about this Graduate Assessment test 2015.
GAT Subject NTS Test Result 2015 17th May
Graduate Assessment test 2015 test date: 17th May 2015
Graduate Assessment test 2015 result date: will be announced soon
For the information this Graduate Assessment test 2015 is for the MPHIL and also for the PHD study program and this test score is valid for only 2 years. After 2 years, if you want to get done with other MHPIL or PHD study program then you have to appear for this GAT test again. You just have to visit the NTS site for GAT Subject NTS Test Result 2015 17th May and enter your name or CNIC and then they will be displaying your roll number slip, your details, test centre details and also the timings of the test.
As soon as the Graduate Assessment test 2015 will be commenced on 17th May 2015, this webpage will also be telling you that when the GAT Subject NTS Test Result 2015 17th May will be announced. We wish all the candidates all the best who will be appearing for this Graduate Assessment test 2015. If you also want to get in hand more details about the other tests then you can also get them in hand right from this webpage.