HEC Need Based Scholarship For UVAS 2016-2017 Application Form Last Date

Higher Education Commission HEC has launched need based scholarship for UVAS 2016-2017 and application form should be reached at Financial Aid Office (FAO) of UVAS before till the last date. So if you are enrolled in 1st semester in session 2016-17 at UVAS for DVM, BS (Hons) programs, Pharm D or MSc degree programs then you are eligible for this scholarship program. HEC has taking supporting steps to stipend the financial aid to the needy and merit students whose academic record is good but they can’t continue their higher studies because of their financial circumstances. So if you are also among such students then you have informed that this is a great golden chance by the HEC with the collaboration of Government of Pakistan to make education available for each student. Selected students will be endowed monthly aid of Rs. 6000/- plus tuition fee by the UVAS FAO office and students will be issued an identity card that shows they are enrolled under the HEC need based scholarship. Furthermore there are some other eligibilities which a student have to be full fill and perform a proper process for apply for this UVAS Scholarship program by HEC 2016-2017.

HEC Need Based Scholarship For UVAS 2016-2017 Application Form Last Date

Eligibility Criteria

  • Those students who have currently enrolled at UVAS for the session of 2016-17 in any graduate or postgraduate program
  • Only Morning students are eligible for apply for this scholarship
  • Those who are enrolled in 1st semester of DVM, Pharm D, BS four years program, MSC degree programs
  • Over all monthly income of a student should not more than Rs. 30000/-
  • Those students who are already taking any scholarship are not eligible for this scholarship

How to Apply

Eligible students have to visit the UVAS University’s Financial Aid Office (FAO) and obtain the application form. Students can also download HEC need based scholarship application form in PDF format from the below given link. After this fill in the form and attach all the required documents with it as written in the form and resubmit this form at the same office because HEC will not accept any application form directly.


HEC Need Based Scholarship For UVAS 2015-2016 Application Form Last Date

Higher Education Commission HEC has initiate a very convenient step for endowing scholarships to deserving merit and needy students who are stuck to continue their studies due to their financial conditions. Through this scholarship students will be able to meet the expenses and will obtain amount that will help them to continue their studies. So all is here but in case of further FAQs use the following comment box for HEC Need Based Scholarship 2016-2017 for UVAS University of Veterinary Animal Sciences.

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