University Of Agriculture Faisalabad Admissions, Address, Fee, Contact

Agriculture department is considered as a back bone of a country about its economical conditions. Although God has bestowed Pakistan with lot of agricultural blessings but we don’t have enough knowledge and resources to utilize these blessings. So in this way the UAF has taken some special about to product well trained and well mannered graduates in the field of agriculture. Here I have arranged all the details about University Of Agriculture Faisalabad UAF. Basically, this university is located in Faisalabad and it was founded in 1906. It is considered to be major and important university of higher agriculture education in the Punjab province. During the independence in 1947, Pakistan was the agricultural country. After the independence, Pakistan government appointed National Commissions on food and education along with the terms of agrarian system. In the year of 2011, this university launched the golden jubilee ceremony for completing its 50 years of excellence in the field of research as well as agriculture. Moreover, the area of this university is consists upon 1950 acre and it presents the history as well as present era. The main campus of this university is located in the main center of city at the distance of almost 12 km of Faisalabad, international Airport. Furthermore, this university has the faculty includes of more than 500 teachers. The hostel accommodates almost 5000 students and at least 3000 day scholars. This university is organized in different faculties such as food engineering, agricultural engineering, social sciences, veterinary sciences etc. Moreover, a community college is also located in the main campus in Faisalabad.

University Of Agriculture Faisalabad

University Of Agriculture Faisalabad Admissions, Address, Fee, Contact

University Of Agriculture Faisalabad Courses

University Of Agriculture Faisalabad Admission Instructions

Now for our readers, we would like to mention that admission requirements for getting admission in Faisalabad Agriculture University. The main and important requirements are as follows:

  • The most important admission requirement is that student should have at least 50 percent marks in his previous examinations.
  • Secondly, applicants should submit their complete admission forms along with educational documents before the submission of last date.
  • In additionally, if we talk about important documents then we should mention that applicants should attach their previous examination results, passport size photographs etc.
  • The last important requirement is that applicant should collect the complete information in the respective program in which he wants to apply for the admission.

On the whole after discussing the importance, introduction and admission requirements of University of Agriculture it is easy to conclude that if any student wants to get the degree in the field of social sciences then he should choose this university.

UAF Fee Structure

University Of Agriculture Faisalabad Admissions, Address, Fee, Contact

University Of Agriculture Faisalabad Contact Info

Contact Address: University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Phone: 92 41 9200161
Categorized:  Public

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