National Dress And Language Of Pakistan In Urdu

We are updating you with the history of national dress and language of Pakistan in Urdu. Pakistan is a traditional country where peoples of different religions and languages are living independently but the one who is Pakistani is living under the banner of its traditions which are forwarding through the forefathers since Pakistan established on 14th August 1947. In these traditions, one of the most prominent features is our dress and language and here in this post, I have arranged national dress and language of Pakistan in Urdu.  Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and Shalwar Kameez is the national dress of Pakistan. Urdu is a very sophisticated and easy language which is a mixture of Persian, Arabic, and Turkish. Actually, this language was started from India in the 12th century and it was spoken around Delhi where Indian Muslims were more influent about this language and that’s why after the formation of Pakistan it was set as the national language of Pakistan. Moreover, if we talk about the national dress of Pakistan, then the concept of Shalwar Kameez was derived as Pakistan is a Muslim country and a dress which is totally covered our figure is perfect by Islamic and conceptually one who is wearing Shalwar kameez looks good. Although with the passage of time different variations derived in our dress but basically we prefer to wear Shalwar kameez.

National Dress And Language Of Pakistan In Urdu

We are living in Islamic Republic of Pakistan which was gained after the name of Islam. Pakistan is an independance coutry which is having its own national dress and language of Pakistan. In the following side you are taking the details about both these queries seperately.

National Dress And Language Of Pakistan In Urdu

National Dress of Pakistan In Urdu

First of all, I would like to discuss the national dress of Pakistan in Urdu. Shalwar-Kameez is the national dress of Pakistan. 23rd March is coming and you know our country was demanded after the rules of Islam. Islam tells us to wear a dress which is not so skinny, and which is not showing off your body cuts to others. And the shalwar kameez is the perfect dress in this regards. This is the world famous and unique style of dress which is now being followed in everywhere in the world.

National Dress Of Pakistan In Urdu

National Language of Pakistan In Urdu

After the dress, the traditional culture of Pakistan congregates with its language. The national language of Pakistan is Urdu which is the combination of six different languages including Punjabi, English, Persian, Pashto, Sanskrit, and Hindi. This is why Urdu is also known as the Co-Official language which is nice to hear and have a rhythm in every of its talk, especially in poetry.

National Dress And Language Of Pakistan In Urdu

National Dress And Language Of Pakistan In Urdu

Above all, it is because there are 5 provinces in Pakistan including Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK and Tribal Areas of Pakistan. The language is also different according to the area, cast, and province. Peoples of Punjab use to speak Punjabi as their traditional language, similarly in Sindh Peoples use to speak Sindhi Language and similarly different languages are speaking in different areas but Basically, the Urdu is set to be the National Language of Pakistan. Besides the language, if we talk about our dress then the Shalwar kameez is known as our national dress, although in cities peoples start wearing Pent and Shirt in Schools and offices we should prefer and motivate our national dresses and tradition so we can maintain our recognition as a Pakistani in all over the world.

These are the details about national dress and language of Pakistan in Urdu. Hope you have obtained all the traditional and cultural details of this subjected heading. You can also share your reviews in the following commenting section.

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