Federal Public Service Commission Jobs 2017 FPSC Online Apply Last Date
FPSC Federal Public Service Commission jobs 2017 has opened for recruitment on contract base likely to be permanent on good performance. Applications are invited before till the last date of submission of application form 3rd July, 2017 and will appoint only the eligible and suitable candidates on all the posts. Here in this post we are providing you all about FPSC jobs 2017 including eligibility criteria, advertisement, how to apply procedure and all important instructions for this job so it is to be suggested and advised you that must read this entire post carefully so that you can be fully aware with the details of this job according to the www.fpsc.gov.pk. It is because according to the enlisting policy of FPSC if any applicant whose information in application form prove wrong will be rejected to hire on any case on any post. Once your application form is completed and correct you will be call for interview then you have to bring your original CNIC and documents and also the 2 sets of photocopies of all the documents you have write down in online application form. More over there is a written test that is tentative for you to be qualify that will be decide your merit and jobs will be endowed on merit base or the academic record of a candidate.
Federal Public Service Commission Jobs 2017
FPSC Jobs 2017 Posts
- medical officers 100 posts
- Assistant Processor 4 posts
- Lecturers Instructors 5 posts
- Assistant Professors (Female) 15 posts
- Physical Training Instructor Senior (Male)
- Assistant Manager IT 11 posts
- Assistant Prefessor (Education)
- Eye Speciliast
- Assistant Private Secretaries 5 posts
- Deputy Director
How to Apply Procedure
According to the FPSC job policy it is to be informed you that you have to apply online in BS 16 and above before till the last date of submission of application form i.e. 22-02-2016.
Submit the application and processing fee Rs. 300/- for BS 16-17; Rs. 750/- for BS 18; Rs 1200/- for BS 19 and Rs. 1500 for BS 20 and above posts under the account of C02101-ORGANS OF STATE EXAMINATION FEE REALIZED BY FPSC.
Fill in the online form by selecting the post you are going to apply and provide the receipt number of the bank slip for application. After this make sure that you are meeting and full fill all the general instructions for this job opportunity and click on the submit button and that’s it.
Note: all the candidates will be notified for written test for this job on the FPSC official’s web site so you are suggested and advised to frequently check that site for any latest update.
Last Date:
29th August, 2017
Eligibility Criteria
For the eligibility criteria for each post you have to read the notification shown below for each post that is about your qualification, age, domicile and other expertise.
Hence this is all about FPSC Federal Public Service Commission jobs 2017 July advertisement and you are all here get about this job further you can leave your comment in the following box for more query about FPSC jobs/ recruitment 2016.