Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur Merit List 2025-2024

All the students can check the Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur Merit List 2025-2024 on this page. You are here on the right page to check the online Quaid-e-Azam medical college Bahawalpur merit list 2025-2024 for taking admission in MBBS programs in this public type well-ranked and well-managed medical college in Bahawalpur Pakistan. So QAMC Bahawalpur merit list is of great importance for you to take admission as per the PMDC medical colleges admission criteria you are hereby informed that the PMDC has set that those candidates who want to take admission in MBBS and or BDS programs after doing FSc pre-medical with minimum 65% marks and passed MDCAT with more than 60% marks. Move down to check the merit list details.

Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur Merit List 2025-2024

Candidates, your merit list will be prepared by UHS according to the formula that is 10% matric, 40% inter, and 50% of your marks in National MDCAT 2025. So all you can say is that your medical career relies on this test and the merit list because if your name does exist on the merit list you will be called for admission. The important thing about the merit list is that it will be announced according to the following schedule.

Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur Merit List 2025-2021

QAMC is an affiliated college with the University of Health Sciences (UHS) so the merit list will be declared by UHS and will be provided to QAMC. Well candidates you are informed that according to the UHS merit list schedule the first selection list of candidates will be uploaded in February 2025. So you have to keep patience and keep in touch with this page because as soon as the officials announce the Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur merit list 2025-2024 will be uploaded here. So you have to be in touch with this page and have to keep up your spirit to be a doctor of medicine and surgery.

Best of Luck for your medical career and of course you can check the Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur Merit List 2025-2024 for provincial, self-financed, and reserve merit list on this page.

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