PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2025
You are searching for the PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2025 then this is the place where you will be able to find the complete details about this Special Quota Scholarship. It is offered for the students who have passed Matric or Intermediate and they aren’t able to bear the education expenses. So if you are a deserving student and also meeting the required eligibility criteria for this PEEF scholarship then you are here on the right plate form to download the online form also the last date for submission of the application form separately for inter and bachelors. If you are an orphan or you are the child of a grade 1 to 4 government employee or you belong to minorities or disable candidates, then PEEF is inviting you for this PEEF scholarship to continue your educations without the inference of your financial circumstances. Keep on reading this post to get the PEEF Scholarship 2025 for Matric and also PEEF Scholarship 2025 for Intermediate.
PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2025
In this scholarship government of Punjab will hold all the expenses of your studies from monthly tuition fees to the expenses you’re living in a hostel or transportation and the amount for all these stipends is fixed and is set according to the current situation of finance for a general student.
Eligibility Of PEEF Special Quota Scholarship 2025:
As I have mentioned in the notification for this scholarship that only the eligible candidates will be entertained by this scholarship and others will be rejected if they are not meeting the following criteria.
- Only the residents of Punjab province and must hold the domicile of this province.
- Students who have passed Matric or Intermediate annual exams 2025 as regular candidates.
- You should be enrolled in BISE or FBISE (federal government colleges or schools which are only allocating in the Punjab province) with at least 60% marks.
- The total income of parents or guardians should not more than 23,000/- per month OR the child of Grade 1-4 government employee.
- Children of civilians who died in a terror attack are eligible.
Important Dates:
Submission of application For Intermediate | 19th March 2025 |
Submission of application For Graduation | 31st March 2025 |
PEEF Scholarship Online Apply:
Apply Online
- Click the Apply Online button to apply online.
- After getting the online form, fill it and then submit the form by the last date.
- OR you also can obtain a form from the Deputy Director of college offices or directly from the Punjab Education Endowment Fund PEEF office.
- Incomplete or late applications will not be processed.
Also, Get PEEF Master’s Scholarship 2025.
Punjab Education Endowment Fund PEEF is a government of Punjab endowment authority. PEEF is arranging for helping deserving students who are not able to meet their educational expenses. PEEF has set eligibility criteria for each candidate. One who will meet this criterion will be endowed by this PEEF special quota scholarship 2025. I hope you are all now fully aware and familiar with this scholarship program but in case of any further query, you can leave your comment in the following comment box and well will be replying to you as soon as possible.
iwant to know about fsc scholarship
sir last date kia hy scholarship inter k liye
Please tell me the last date of peef (2017) for dae..please
Plz tell me
Form last download ho ga
Tell me about scholarship
i got 981 marks in matric
Tell me about special quota scholorship for inter 2017.
When this scholorship will be declered?