Check out the English Sentence Correction MCQs for Entry Test here online. In the MDCAT test, the English portion holds 20 marks. The Control of Sentence MCQs is also very important for this. At least 3 MCQs comes from this. So, the students are advised to prepare them. In our daily life, we make a lot of mistakes in English grammar and the use of incorrect words is one of them. Most mistakes are spelling mistakes. In the MDCAT Test, the Control of Sentence is very important. The question comes with four options and you have to select the correct one. Sometimes the questions are so confusing that the student can’t choose the true option. So, if you want to get good marks in the test, then it is very important to prepare for all the subjects. These 20 marks are very important if your approach is to get more than 90% marks. For this, we are providing the Entry Test preparation MCQs. You can get a lot of benefit from it. So, check all the English Sentence Correction MCQs for Entry Test and prepare well for the test.