Physics Chapter 19 2nd Year Dawn of Modern Physics MCQs with Answers

After studying different electric circuits, now we are heading towards Modern Physics and we will study Physics Chapter 19 2nd Year Dawn of Modern Physics MCQs with Answers. First of all, we will compare Modern and Classical Physics. The most important term is the Frame of Reference that includes inertial and non-inertial frames. The theory of Relativity deals with the inertial frame of reference. NAVSTAR is the modern Navigation Satellite and it uses a special theory of relativity results. Then we will study the Black Body Radiation. Light travels with a wavelength that consists of a beam stream of photons. So, we will study the Photon theory of light and the Photoelectric effect. Einstein also gave an equation of the Photoelectric Effect. An application of the Photoelectric effect is Photo Cell. There are some important terms Compton Effect, Pair Production, Annihilation of Matter, De-Broglie’s Hypothesis, Davisson and Germer Experiment, and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle that we will study in this chapter. So, this is a brief intro about the 2nd Year Physics Chapter 19 Dawn of Modern Physics.

Physics Chapter 19 2nd Year Dawn of Modern Physics MCQs with Answers

Physics Chapter 19 2nd Year Dawn of Modern Physics MCQs with Answers

Which one of the following radiations has the strongest photon?
The momentum of a photon is 3.3x10^-29 kgm/sec. Its frequency will be:
The resolution of 50KV electron microscope is:
The frequency of light beam A is twice that of light beam B. The ration EA/EB of photon energies is:
Mass of a photon of frequency f is given by:
Davison Germer experiment indicates:
If n number of photon are striking on a metal surface, then total momentum exerted is:
The velocity of a particle of mass m of de-Broglie wavelength λ is:
As the intensity of incident light increases:
The speed of photon:
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