English Vocabulary With Urdu Meaning

English has become the necessity of our daily life. Even the people who are not well educated, but they even use to speak different English words. This collection of English words is known as the vocabulary. And here we are sharing the list of English vocabulary with Urdu meaning. These vocabulary words teach you the important daily speak English words which have great importance for you in learning Spoken English Course in Urdu. An expert has said that if someone is aware of these Basic English vocabulary words meaning in Urdu, means that he can read, speak, and understand the English language easily. We suggest you download the following A to Z vocabulary words with Urdu meaning pdf and divide the words for daily routine and start learning frequently on daily basis. It will help you out to find out the best possible initiate towards learning American English. Besides this Basic English vocabulary, we are also sharing the daily usage of English words, vegetable names, fruits name, parts of the body and much more. So just keep on reading to get this list and start reading it or download it in PDF format.

English Vocabulary With Urdu Meaning

English Vocabulary With Urdu Meaning

In the following table, you are seeing a table with different categories of term vocabulary. You can click on any of the following categories to get it open and to read it in details. We are providing you the list of daily use English Vocabulary with meaning in Urdu so that you can obtain the exact for what you are searching for.

When you have learned the Basic English vocabulary with Urdu meaning then you should also be aware of the use of these words in sentences according to tenses. On the following side, a very important step to learn a correct vocabulary is written on the downside.

For getting more details and to start a spoken English course online, you just have to click on the following button.

Spoken English Course

Hence these are all the English vocabulary with Urdu meaning. If you learn this vocabulary then you are ready to start your course towards professional learning i.e. IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEC. Besides these if you still want to increase your vocabulary then a good tip about to learn vocabulary is to make your habit to learn at least five or ten words from dictionary and keep on practice on whole day and I assure you that after a month you will have a lot of vocabulary in your mind and you will be able to grip the English vocabulary words with meaning in Urdu.

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