Preposition Definition And Examples In Urdu, Preposition List
Preposition definition is “A word governing and usually preceding a pronoun or a noun and denoting a relation of a word to another word in a line/ sentence or a clause” such as in ‘She went to the school’ the word ‘to’ is deriving the direction of a girl who is going toward school. Similarly when we write “They will be here at 3’ o’clock” in this sentence the word “at” is a preposition because it is denoting the exact time of a person to be reached. There are various words that are used as a preposition and here I have discussed all about preposition definition and examples in Urdu, preposition list. So as per the definition any word that is correlating two clauses for an exact time, place, direction, after, and between. So further you will learn with its examples and exercise and when you will make your own sentences you will learn more. You are also intimated that you must learn all the prepositions from the list so that you can identify prepositions in any sentence and clause because these are parts of speech and are sometimes used to denote the helping verbs. So keep on reading this post to get further details about prepositions.
Preposition Definition And Examples In Urdu, Preposition List
Definition of Preposition
A preposition is a word that is used to correlate between two sentences to assign their place, time, duration, or direction.
You will clarify by the following preposition in Urdu with examples and exercises. You can click on the following image to make it bigger.
Parts of Speech |
· Noun |
· Pronoun |
· Verb |
· Adverb |
· Adjective |
· Conjunction |
· Interjection |
· Preposition |
So this is all about preposition definition and examples in Urdu, a preposition list with exercise and translation for students at the matriculation level, inter-level, and graduation level. In the English language, course prepositions are used as part of speech and a sentence even if it is in Urdu or English is incomplete if we are not using a proper preposition so assign a direction or time to any sentence or clause. I am hoping that this post proves to be very helpful for you but in case you have any confusion about this post you can send your query in the following comment box and we will reply to you as soon as possible.